Workshop announcement: ‘Heritage in Conflict: the situation in Iraq and Syria’
The SHIRIN (Syrian Arab Republic) and RASHID (Iraq) organisations are planning a workshop to provide updates and critical reviews of the heritage situation in Iraq and the Syrian Arab Republic. As we all know, both these countries have suffered terribly from afflictions to their rich cultural heritage in recent years. In this workshop we invite papers that address relevant issues, including accounts of projects headed by local heritage authorities, scientific organisations and NGOs. For security reasons, many of these projects take place outside Iraq and the Syrian Arab Republic but we also wish to hear about projects taking place inside Iraq and the Syrian Arab Republic and perhaps in adjacent countries too. We also welcome proposals for papers that outline new projects, local, national and international, that may help to address heritage concerns and challenges in the months and years ahead, in particular as both Iraq and the Syrian Arab Republic strive for a future beyond DAESH.
The workshop will take place at the 63rd Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale in Marburg, Germany, on one day between 24-28 July 2017 (precise day to be fixed).
Please send paper proposals to