In the Media

RASHID International’s experts are frequently approached by media outlets to comment on issues relating to archaeology, heritage protection, international law, Iraq and the wider Middle East. Members of the press seeking interviews, comments, analysis or background information on any of the areas covered by the mandate of RASHID International may contact press[at] for further information.


‘Protecting the Past’ Conference in Sulaimaniyah, Iraq (31/10/2016): “RASHID International: Formulating a Future for Iraq’s Past” (by Professor Roger Matthews) – (English audio)  –  (Kurdish audio)


Radio interviews

Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR 2) – Kulturjournal (13/11/2016): “Von Siegen und anderen Aufregungen – Wenn Kulturdenkmäler zerstört werden” (with Dr. Simone Mühl – 24:44 to 42:55)

Südwestrundfunk (SWR 2) – Aktuelle Kultur (16/12/2016): “UNESCO-Experten fordern mehr Schutz für Nimrud – Der IS ist weg, die Kunst auch” (with Dr. Simone Mühl)



Alter Orient aktuell (Nr. 14 – 2016, pages 28-32): “Kultur im Fadenkreuz des Terrors” (by Dr. Simone Mühl)

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (29/11/2016, page 14): “Mit dem Hammer gegen Fabelwesen” (with Dr. Simone Mühl)

La Croix (09/02/2017): “Les 100 sacrilèges de Daech en Irak” (with Professor Karel Nováček and Dr. Simone Mühl)

Al Fanar Media (27/03/2017) “Archaeologists Plan Post-Islamic-State Future in Iraq” (with Professor Roger Matthews)

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (08/06/2017): “Kulturerbe in Mossul – Die Schätze unter Jonas zerstörtem Grab” (with Dr. Simone Mühl)

Science (29/09/2017): “Mission aims to salvage what’s left of Nimrud” (with Professor Roger Matthews)